This should improve compatibility with older DDS readers. Added an option to always use the DX10 header extension, which is disabled by default. Both the plugin and the standalone exporter now export using DX9-style DDS headers when they can (i.e.Support reading legacy DDS files where dwMipMapCount is 0.Fixed issues with compressor nondeterminism on cubemap textures.Fixed an issue where using two identical GPUs in a non-SLI configuration without a specified CUDA device would lead to image corruption.Fixed an issue where the Photoshop plugin would choose the wrong channel for alpha when the Photoshop file didn’t have a background layer and had a user-provided alpha channel.Added Boris Ustaev’s image drag-and-drop UI.Image effects now run on a background thread, making the user interface respond faster with larger images.Added window resizing and high-DPI support.

Corel photo paint dds plugin windows#
It is packaged with the Texture Tools Exporter on Windows and by itself on Linux. Released the NVTT 3 SDK, the compression library powering the Texture Tools Exporter and many other projects.